New Line of Innovative Equipment Designed to
“Redefine Low Light Navigation”

The Yacht Group is pleased to announce its new line of innovative equipment designed to “Redefine Low Light navigation”, Yacht Beam, and Yacht Cam.

The Yacht Beam product includes 1 million and 6 million candlepower searchlights joystick and wirelessly controlled for precision operation unlike any other in the marketplace. Robust housings and IP 69k micro controls make these products impervious to weather conditions and the micro remote joystick allows freedom of operation from anywhere on board.

Yacht Cam is an extraordinary product line of price performance low light and thermal PTZ ( pan tilt zoom) cameras with superb technology superior to other cameras on the market and fulfills the requirements of every size vessel with an IP68 waterproof rating and an ISO 9001 certification plus many more features.

The Yacht Cam Brite features a built-in dual range searchlight AND a remarkable 30 x optical zoom, low light high megapixel camera of 2.13 resolution and can provide images in black and white contrast in incredible low light as little as .0008 lumens and color .0018 lumens. This low light capability is incredibly low compared to any cameras on the market and means that a small boat or yacht up to 60 ft can have one single device that will provide great low light navigation at an inexpensive price.

Yacht Cam This camera also incorporates the remarkable 30 x optical zoom, low light high megapixel camera of 2.13 resolution and can provide images in black and white contrast in incredible low light as little as .0008 lumens and color .0018 lumens which is used on the Yacht cam brite. However, its main feature is its high-resolution 384 x 288 thermal grey scale imaging camera with detection and recognition ranges that exceed comparative competitive cameras at an unbeatable price and the ability to select scenes for further image density such as man overboard, daylight, nighttime, standby.

Yacht Cam Lite also features a high-resolution 384 x 480 thermal camera for superb greyscale thermal images which can be coupled with “scenes” for greater clarity of images and higher detection and recognition ranges. This camera is standard with a fixed lens daylight camera with 2 and 4 digital zoom for those who do not require a hi resolution daylight camera and prefer a more compact yet powerful cameras combination. The clarity of image and ease of joystick control make this camera a compact powerhouse.

Yacht Cam Plus is our top of the line camera featuring all of the Yacht Cam features in a higher 640 x 480 thermal resolution and in addition to greyscale thermal images allows the selection of color palattes which can be coupled with “scenes” for greater clarity of images and higher detection and recognition ranges. This camera also incorporates the remarkable 30 x optical zoom, low light high megapixel camera of 2.13 resolution and can provide images in black and white contrast in incredible low light as little as .0008 lumens and color .0018 lumens.

Yacht Cam Lite + also features a high 640 x 480 resolution thermal camera and in addition to greyscale thermal images allows the selection of color palattes which can be coupled with “scenes” for greater clarity of images and higher detection and recognition ranges. This camera is standard with a fixed lens daylight camera with 2 and 4 digital zoom for those who do not require a hi resolution daylight camera and prefer a more compact yet powerful cameras combination. The clarity of the high resolution thermal image and ease of joystick control make this camera a compact powerhouse for those who seek the best in thermal with less emphasis on daylight camera use.

Yacht Cam Comparison at a Glance

Model Thermal Resolution Digital Zoom Video Display Focal Length Daylight Cam Zoom
Yacht Cam Brite N/A N/A N/A N/A Optical: 30x, Digital: 12x
Yacht Cam 384 x 288 2x, 4x white hot/black hot 19mm 19.5° x 14.7°
40mm 9.3° x 7°
Optical: 30x, Digital: 12x
Yacht Cam lite 384 x 288 2x, 4x white hot/black hot 19.5°x14.7° Fixed lens, no optical zoom
2x,4x digital zoom
Yacht Cam Plus 640 x 480 or 640 x 512 2x, 4x white hot/black hot/color 19mm 32.0 x 24.2°
40mm 15.5 x 11.6°
Optical: 30x, Digital: 12x
Yacht Cam Lite Plus 640 x 480 or 640 x 512 2x, 4x white hot/black hot/color 32.5°x24.5° Fixed lens, no optical zoom
2x,4x digital zoom